Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Melarossa: l 8217; # & app for 1 kg weight loss per week

Arrives in the App Store l 8217; # & Melarossa application that promises to give useful tips to lose weight even 1 kg per week.

melarossa dieta

your personalized diet Grapho S.r.l. Category: health and wellness

Summer (with proof costume ...) approaches strode. Many dream of losing a few pounds, and from now on the App Store you can download an App for the iPhone that processes a customizable diet, which promises to lose 1 kg per week. This application was developed by a team of expert nutritionists and dietitians and is solely supervised by the Italian society of food science.

The Melarossa diet may propose up to three different daily menu 000. and is perfectly balanced, both in terms of calories and nutrients (all foods are part of the Mediterranean diet).

During registration you must enter data on their physical characteristics, lifestyle habits (sports or sedentary), food preferences, and of course-your weight goal. You can also choose to receive a vegetarian diet or a diet "sandwich" for those who eat a quick snack at lunchtime.

The app also processes the weekly shopping list and a check of weekly weight checks to see if the diet is the right one. Otherwise, reprocesses the diet, and in case you need to change the diet's caloric intake. A chart, always at hand, view, week after week, if you are following the diet and if the target weight is reached in time.

It's a & # 8217; application graphically very curated, offering a & # 8217; simple interface and easy to consult. The various diets, between # & 8217; very customizable, have been studied by experts in the field, not by chance the # 8217; & app has been certified by the Società Italiana di Scienze dell & # 8217;Power. It really works This we cannot say so, but being free for the first week (up to three months if the activate now) try it costs nothing.

Melarossa this download free , and is also the first free week of dieting. Then, and only if you decide to continue, since the second week you can choose a weekly subscription ($ 0.89) or monthly (€ 2,69, then at a discount of 25%).

There is also a special promotion for all those starting the diet by 9 April: for three months, then until July, the App is completely free.

Remember in each case before tackling a diet is always recommended, contact a specialist.

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