Friday, March 22, 2013

The display of the next iPhone will be in Sapphire Crystal

You know that the camera lens on the iPhone 5 is protected by sapphire crystals what looks like a small piece of glass, in fact, it's actually just Sapphire Crystal, a very precious material and second only to diamond in hardness and resistance.


According to MIT Tech Review, since this material has always costs more affordable, it is likely that Apple will choose to use it on future display iPhone and replace so the Gorilla Glass:

Sapphire, a crystalline material composed of aluminium oxide, probably never will be available at the price of Gorilla Glass which is used for the screen of the iPhone and other smartphones. A Gorilla Glass display costs less than $ 3, while a Sapphire display would cost about $ 30. But it could drop below $ 20 in a couple of years thanks to greater competition and improved production technology. Since Sapphire performs better than glass, that price might make it cheap enough to compete.

A choice of this kind would guarantee to Apple iPhone production with a virtually indestructible and much harder than the one currently used. Of course, in addition to Apple, other manufacturers are considering this hypothesis.


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