Simplicity, at least as regards the games dedicated to mobile gaming industry, rewards: must have thought so Pixel Kingdom developers, a new game ( departed from Kickstarter ) arrived recently on Google Store Play.
Pixel Kingdom is a simple game, both as regards the 8217; # & look and feel that as far as the style of play; It is a defense game where we will have to summon pixellose troops in three different lane, constantly under attack by enemy forces which will vary depending on the level of play.
Simple controls and gameplay style and simple graphics, but don't think that Pixels have for this little Kingdom to offer: many types of evocabili soldiers, each with a specific role well, as there are many types of enemies that we, enemies who sometimes change lane or attack us from a distance.
If you are a fan of Defense Game you must necessarily give a chance to Pixels Kingdom: you'll be rewarded with hours of free fun! Of course there are in-app purchases: you can improve the performance of various soldiers and to do that you have to take advantage of the two currencies are at stake, available via in-app purchase.
That said, we leave you with the link to the Store, with some screenshots and a video recorded from 8217; # & author who shows us the title still under development (but virtually identical to the present one, the video dates back to February). Have fun!
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