Bladeslinger: entered the top ten most anticipated app for iOS in 2012 and labelled as one of the best games of 2012 for the iOS platform. A few days ago has finally arrived on the Google Store, Play and it was really a long wait: we talked about for the first time on 3 October 2011 , we then tried previewing on a prototype ASUS Transformer First , and we can assure you that since then the game has done.
A few weeks ago we discovered that Luma Arcade, the scorer of the game software house, had entrusted to a publishing company , Keroesene Game , who had proceeded to release the game first on iOS platform and then, subsequently, on Android. The title is also appeared on Tegra NVIDIA areas, since, if downloaded to devices equipped with the above-mentioned SoC, can boast of additional graphical effects.
It's rare that you face a so great about a title dedicated to mobile platforms: let us therefore together if, as they say, & # 8220; the game is worth the candle & # 8220;. Find out if you actually Bladeslinger has earned the title of one of the best games of 2012 and if the 2,28⬠of spending to take home the game are well justified.
The game in a nutshell
A closeup of William Glaston, the protagonist of the game
Bladeslinger was initially conceived as a game in the style Infinity Blade: on the rails and then (to understand, exploratory phase zero with the controlled character directly from the game) and with fighting centred on # & 8217; use of gesture to be used with the right timing. Luckily (games to Infinity Blades are a little inflated & #; 8217, see Rage of the Gladiator or Dragon Slayer ) Bladeslinger suffered by the software house of substantial changes in the gameplay.
The game provides an exploratory phase, although limited to some extent by invisible boundaries and impassable, and the combat phase leaves the player free to move as in a perfect game of action in three dimensions. In some ways Bladeslinger is a cross between Six Guns and 0 Wild Blood by Gameloft 0: l 8217; # & atmosphere is the one of the Far West, but it's still a Wild West filled with monsters, 8220; # & magic & # 8221; and elements of the steampunk genre.
In the game shall interpret them as William Glaston, a native of the town of Hammer's Peak, which, returning from the war (it is unclear which) discovers that his beloved town is deserted and invaded by hostile creatures and demons. The whole is surrounded by strange glowing symbols and pentagrams, and magic seals that prevent William to explore the entire city. But William is certainly not a person who gets bullied: in fact is a real Bladeslinger, a cross between a gunslinger, a swordsman and a magician, a highly lethal combination for any be equal in front of it. Pity that the entrance in the town has been stripped of most of his powers.
William is stripped of his powers
We do not want to reveal more about the history (no spoiler alert then): perhaps what has been said so far could not enthuse that great, but the curiosity to reveal what happened to Hammer & # 8217; s Peak and the atmosphere that comes with the game undoubtedly push to continue the story.
We are obliged to warn you of one thing: the game shows the episode I; After the six levels in the game we'll get a real ending. It remains to be seen what will be the launch mode of subsequent episodes by the software house (free upgrades in-app purchases).
Gameplay and controls
Typical combat phase
As we have already mentioned, the game is divided into two phases: an exploratory, certainly not comprehensive as could be in a role-playing game, and a fighter. During the combat controls are divided into type gesture controls and virtual buttons. With the gesture you can use physical attacks brought with our weapon (a kind of revolver equipped with a blade, nothing to do with the Gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII), making one swipe horizontally or vertically on the screen; always through gesture cannot terminate enemies with spectacular moves, performing special symbols which will be offered fake.
For the remaining commands we have physical buttons that will allow us to pararci, to roll away from enemies, to make fire with the revolver, and to use our metal arm to stun opponents. The combination of gesture and buttons make the fighting tutt # & 8217; nothing but monotonous.
An example of gesture for the final moves
The resulting gameplay is so different from the playground-style Infinity Blade, although some mechanisms are clearly inherited. As we said the fights are not monotonous: this thanks to controls, but not only. Won't shoot all 8217; # & wildly or strike the screen with furious swipe to kill opponents who Parry in front. You must pararvi with the right timing and roll away from those most devastating attacks that would undermine your defense.
William is also arranging special powers, which in the game will appear in the form of playing cards, which if used in combat (when your blue bar of the spirit you will be loaded) will regenerate, to form a shield around you based on electrostatic, shoot fire projectiles and much more.
Magic cards can be unlocked for infinite uses
Undoubtedly the system with which the player must unlock the cards additional spells and abilities (skills are substantially improved and attacks William moves): it is a kind of achievement system that will ask you to perform certain actions depending on the type of skill to unlock. To unlock skills related to your ability with the blade for example you run a fight with only physical attacks, and so on. Precluded thereby from the RPG game. There are also hidden, useful snippets to unlockare the skills previously unlocked with the achievement system.
A game too difficult
C-c-c-combo breaker!
Bladeslinger, in our opinion, is a game everyone & # 8217; nothing more than simple. Perhaps more seasoned players, those who grew up with mouse, keyboard and controller, you will not find in great difficulties, but the casual gamer might get intimidated by earlier fighting. The game is at the end of each fight, a Gold Award, the spendable 8217; # & purchase magic cards or potions to recover life and spirit. As mentioned though, the fights are not so trivial, and is very likely to get injured. You must then buy potions, or exploit the powers deriving from the cards, but your credit, in one way or in another # 8217; &, will almost always running out.
Of this thing there will good account at first boss, located at the end of the second level: the bartender is not a proper friendly and is rather tough. For the dead the game uses a system of bail-outs, that will store your progress after every fight. For example, we are dead in the fighting against the barman, and we ended up alive shortly before, with full life and with two additional potions.
Friendliness is not the strong point of the barman
The suspicion is that the level of difficulty is somewhat unbalanced to lure the player to in-app purchases: Yes, despite the match fee, is still present in-app purchases for players less patients. Those purchases, thereby increasing gold and fragments. Please note: these purchases aren't for anything essential; with a clever use of little money, with certain powers and with defensive gameplay (extensive use of parades and rolls) and non-aggressive, the money will be more than enough.
Graphics and sound
Really nothing to complain about the quality of the graphics engine: on Transformer, equipped with Tegra SoC 3, Bladeslinger runs smoothly and is full of graphic effects to be impressive. Activating the depth of field (selectable from the settings, the frame rate drops), the atmospheres are similar to those of a film. Maybe a little # & 8217; chaotic handling of the camera, especially in fighting indoors: during the rolling of the game will in fact some & # 8217; hard to follow you.
Fire and flames! And a reaper, for liking & # 8230;
Let's say that if all mobile games could boast the graphics layer of Bladeslinger (which anyway still has room for improvement) and Real Racing 1 1 3, the software company would make the happiness of many players.
The sound is good and is assisted by a decent voice acting, exclusively in English (as well as the rest of the game, including menus).
To complete 8230 & #;
Admittedly, we had a GK & # 8217; take your hand with this review, dilungandoci maybe some & # 8217; too; but as mentioned at # & 8217; beginning of 8217; # & article, is really a long time that we are waiting for this title, and we tried to explore all aspects to facilitate the 8217; # & purchase by more undecided.
Bladeslinger, in our opinion, deserves the 2,28⬠required for # & 8217; purchase. Maybe it's not suitable for the casual gamer, but the fun is guaranteed. Maybe you could accuse of monotony after & # 8217; yet another fight, but after all is an action game focused on fighting and practically on 8217; # & player skill to clash against three enemies simultaneously, dodging, parrying and hitting a rigours.
Facing a crossroads: to buy or not to buy Bladeslinger
The title is certainly not without its glitches: as we mentioned in the section devoted to graphics, the game's camera makes the gameplay at times chaotic; In addition, the system of controls requires a good skill, longevity is not at the levels of games dedicated to other platforms (but we can't ask for more than that) and is still present in-app purchases. But overall we can turn a blind eye (even both) and reward the work done by the guys at Luma Arcade with a fair vote.
In conclusion: among the best games of 8217; # & year If we pretend it's still the 2012, the answer is: Yes! There remains, therefore, that leave you with our report cards, with a rich Gallery of screenshots captured during our play session on Transformer and, for those who had not yet seen, with the trailer for the title. Have fun!
Gameplay: the combat system draws inspiration from other titles, but we liked the combination of gesture and virtual buttons for fighting
Rating: 8.5
Graphics: The Unity game engine shows itself in all its beauty, thanks to the work done by the guys at Luma Arcade and additional effects for devices with Tegra SoC
Rated: 9
Sound: Honest sound sector, assisted by voice acting and sound effects all respect
Rating: 8
Longevity: 8220; # & we only & # 8221; in the first episode; a game mode called 8220 & #;8221; # & Arena that increases the overall longevity
Rating: 8
Price: 2,28⬠is a fair price for what Bladeslinger has to offer; is still present in-app purchases: for once we willingly unless it
Rating: 8
Overall rating (not an average): 8.5
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