Monday, March 11, 2013

7 days news 7: new appointment with the section iPhoneItalia hi-tech-Appointment 10/03

Who owns an iPhone is, in most cases, also an avid technology, as the us by iPhoneItalia. Precisely for this reason we decided to create a new section, called "7 news for 7 days", which will be summarized the 7 most interesting technology news and curiosities of the week, but not on exactly the iPhone world. A way to discuss collection of technology and do not miss anything to our readers! Here we are with a new appointment.


Vicenza: SUAP, sportello unico per le attività produttive, telematics becomes


The municipality of Vicenza SUAP, i.e. the Sportello unico per le attività produttive, becomes completely computerized. The revolution, which will result in significant savings for both companies and the public administration, was presented this week at the Palazzo Trissino by & # 8217; economic development Councillor Thomas Ruggeri, 8217; # & assessor all # & 8217; private housing from Changini, Pierangelo municipal councillor delegate computer services Philip Zanetti, consultant of Infocamere Maurizio Scocco and Vego, Maggioli, group by Robert Ridolfi, head of Product Manager and Richard Carlin, contact Northeast Area Metropolis. Infocamere Maggioli are Group and the partners of the municipality of Vicenza in this initiative which will allow each user to submit at any time their request to SUAP, receiving a & # 8217; correct shipping confirmation immediately and can then monitor online l 8217; # & procedural iter of 8217; # & instance until the receipt of 8217; # & any authorization.

It is a project that makes a Common all Vicenza & # 8217; vanguard in # 8217; & homogenization processes, the dematerialization of documents and administrative red tape, as well as in & # 8217; costs for enterprises and public administrations, from paper to save postage, transportation costs and to waiting times at branches.

The new computerized SUAP del Comune di Vicenza responds all 8217; # & legal obligation that has made this door l 8217; # & single entry point for all procedures involving the # & 8217; access and 8217; # & exercise in productive activities and services. In fact any demand, Declaration, notification or communication relating to localization processes, implementation, processing, conversion or renovation, expansion or relocation, termination or reactivation of production activities or the provision of services, as well as those relating to their exercise, not only must be submitted exclusively to SUAP, but this must take place, by law, with telematics mode.
Hence by 8217; # & Directors decision to locate a management tool that would allow the City Council to tackle the challenge in an innovative way. And choice, after a & # 8217; in-depth analysis, to join CHAMBER platform SUAP web created by the Chambers of Commerce and promoted by the Veneto region, the first big step toward 8217; # & homogenization processes at territorial level. This will be the tool that will allow all 8217; # & user to communicate with the municipality of Vicenza SUAP through the portal, using, from the site, a unique and standardized mode of presentation of the instances. L 8217; # & automate receiving protocol applications and back office management of the municipality of Vicenza was instead created by the technical partner Maggioli Group, through its software J IRIS.

The new computerized SUAP will be operational within a few weeks. Training will be organized at the meetings for users, particularly professionals, to which the service is directed. Many practices will be interested in this revolution, preannounced from 8217; # & shipping via PEC obligation introduced in March 2011. The policy development sector alone has recorded 605 incoming documents and 825 coming out in 2011, the year in which they were still accepted postal deliveries or by hand, while in 2012 the scanned documents via PEC became 1,525, 763 outgoing ones. SUAP practices relating to # & 8217; private buildings, however, were in 584 and 2011 427 in 2012.

Are you sure you have deleted your data

Schermata 2013-03-09 alle 13.33.50

A recent report of the TV program Le Iene aired last March 3, 2013 talked about the dangers to which users face when they decide to sell their smartphone and cellphone, highlighting the personal nature of the data found in phones. If hundreds of messages, photographs and telephone numbers can be found within a few gigabytes of memory of a smartphone, imagine what scope is the phenomenon when to be sold, recycled or disposed of are our computers with its hard disk of hundreds or thousands of gigabytes. All our data and information stored suddenly become "transparent" and recoverable by those wishing to make an incorrect use, if they are not cleared properly.

Every year the major device manufacturers, technologists from PCs to mobile phones, tablet up to present new models, from design and more innovative features. Within all quesyi devices save users plenty of information, from data concerning your privacy to information involving the professional sphere.

What happens to the data and information stored in the technological devices if a user decides to sell the device

The Italy holds the primacy of the spread of smartphones and, according to Censis, in 2012 was recorded a growth of +10% in the purchase of these solutions. The data found within the phones were primarily of a personal nature: from the numbers and your address book contacts, text messages, photos taken or submitted by their friends, habits, acquaintances, password and many other information, all related to the identity of an individual.

If all this can be found within a few gigabytes of memory of a smartphone imagine what scope is the phenomenon when to be recycled, disposed of, sold are our computers with its harddrive of hundreds or thousands of gigabytes. The problem concerns both the private users as PC desktops, laptops and servers used within companies. This means that all our data and information stored suddenly become "transparent" and recovery optionschallenged by those wishing to make a misuse. How can then defend users "what you need to know is that it is not enough to erase data from a computer to be sure that they will not be recovered anymore," says Paul Salin, Country Director of Kroll Ontrack Italy. "Suffice it to say that the same data-retrieval tasks are also able to retrieve information from a hard drive failure. The potential dangers of do not delete data or remove them incorrectly are obvious. A computer, for example, a hospital might reveal data on the health status of patients, those of a Bank showing information about credit cards and checking accounts, the PC of any company to see about on employees and customers, business data, plans and projects. Even the home PC may contain information that we would have pleasure to share with strangers ".

At the legislative level, in Italy the data confidentiality is regulated by Legislative Decree No. 196 June 30, 2003 (code on personal data protection), commonly known as 8220; # & privacy law ", which lays down precise rules for the sensitive and judicial data. In addition, the data protection Commissioner has also specified in the decision of October 13, 2008 (O.j. No. 287 of December 9, 2008) the measures to be taken for the proper disposal of electronic media containing personal data. The delete process purge from a disk all data.
According to a study by BSA, the Italy slips in policymaking on Global Cloud Computing

Schermata 2013-03-09 alle 13.41.47

The analysis on situation of changing policies related to cloud computing, Italy ranks tenth on twenty-four countries, a regression compared to sixth place last year.

BSA | The Software Alliance has been looking at the regulations and national regulations in seven fundamental laws for the development of a global and integrated market of cloud. The results announced today in 2013 BSA Global Cloud Computing Scorecards are based on the first edition of the study, published in early 2012.
"It is disheartening to see that Italy has not made progress in adopting policies that contribute to the development of cloud," commented Matthew Mille, BSA President Italy. "The standards of all countries affect the cloud market. It is crucial that Italy is committed to improving the regulatory environment of some specific areas related to Data Privacy and intellectual property to enhance its position and support the growth of cloud. "

The major change is to Singapore, fifth in the standings, which has jumped up to five positions after having adopted a new privacy law that increases the user's trust by promoting at the same time business innovation. According to the study, Japan continues to lead the overall standings with detailed legislation in favour of digital commerce. The Australia remains in second place and the United States have reached the third this year, relegating the Germany in fourth place.
The study shows improvements in policies related to the cloud in many of the most important global markets IT is stalled. In particular, all six EU countries included in the research have lost ground in the standings. Others are actually moving away from the global market, with counterproductive regulations in Korea, Indonesia and Viet Nam.

Specifically, BSA urges legislators to take the following actions:

  • Ensuring the privacy: users must be assured that their information will be treated carefully and providers should have the freedom to move data effectively in the cloud
  • Promoting security: effective risk management requires flexibility to implement innovative security solutions
  • Fighting cybercrime: the police and cloud providers need similarly legislative mechanisms to combat illegal access to data
  • Protect your IP: the regulations should provide a clear protection and law enforcement against violations of cloud innovations.
  • Ensure data portability and harmonize global standards: Governments should work with companies to develop standards that facilitate the movement of data while at the same time minimizing the conflicts
  • Promoting free trade: eliminate barriers, such as the preference for particular products or business enterprise.
  • Support your IT infrastructure: provide incentives for investment in broadband and promote universal access.

The complete leaderboard of 24 countries with detailed data on Italy and the BSA program is available at the link:

Spotify travels with Volvo


At the Geneva Motor Show, Volvo announced that Spotify will be available for the first time on its car models Sensus system Connected Touch, offering a fully integrated music user experience into the dashboard and can be activated to voice command. The news follows that of collaboration with Ford, announced last week: el hogar American automotive brings aboard their Spotify coaches through the Sync AppLink system. In the coming weeks the project will involve more than one million cars in America and Europe will be extended during the year. Pascal de Mul, head of Spotify Hardware Partnerships, says: "the aim of Spotify is make music as easily as possible, always and everywhere. The car is the first place where people listen to music and we are working to make Spotify available on different types of cars. We are very pleased to announce this new solution developed in partnership with Volvo which enables users to enjoy music from Spotify also safely while driving. The service is voice activated and integrated into the dashboard of the car. "

Huawei is committed to promoting a system of intellectual property licenses and to establish itself as a global innovation leader in Europe


"Huawei respects and protects intellectual property rights and reaffirms its commitment to a system of open licenses intellectual property rights # 8220; & said today Angela Chen, Member of the Board of Directors and Senior Vice chairman of Huawei, while his driverI know held in Brussels on the occasion of the Conference "EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration (e.g. GC2)". 8220 & #;The intellectual property that Huawei develops and acquires thanks to participation in European research initiatives will be first applied in Europe with the aim of increasing its leadership in the field of science and technology globally & # 8221;.

8220 & #;Since its first years of operation, Huawei has actively fought for the protection of intellectual property rights. We are one of the first Chinese companies to have signed licensing agreements with Western colleagues. Each year, Huawei spends about 300 million dollars in royalties to benefit legitimately patented technologies from other companies. In turn, Huawei has licensed to other industry actors patented technologies internally. For example, Huawei recently and Teletronic (Spain) have entered into a commercial agreement cross-licences for patents standard LTE centric 8221; # &, commented Chen Angela.

Huawei contributes to the development of industry with innovative patents. Every year, the # & 8217; company invests more than 10% of sales in research and development, of which a 10% on cutting-edge technologies. Only in 2012 Huawei has invested more than $ 4.8 billion in research and development and has been able to boast a total more than approved patents 30,240. 8220 & #;Europe has a long history of scientific innovation, suffice it to say that almost all modern scientific systems were born here. Europe is also the home of the best talents of the best educational systems and scientific research institutes. What is more interesting for Huawei is 8217; # & existence, on the European continent, a scientific research environment and an open market system. The European Commission's initiative "Horizon 2020" promotes scientific research through government policies, openly welcomes expertise from all over the world and promotes cooperation between the different parties involved. L 8217; # & initiative has thus become a point of reference worldwide and Huawei will provide a contribution to innovative capacity from Europe 8221; # & participating, said Chen.

Huawei actively cooperates with enterprises and European organisations for the development of the main innovations and then launches these products for their first commercial use in the European market. For example, using its standard LTE SingleRAN solutions, Huawei has developed the first commercial LTE network in the world for TeliaSonera in 2009 and has developed for Vodafone the first commercial LTE network DD800 in 2011. Huawei has also created numerous research and development centres in Europe, giving work to 800 engineers. 8217; # & this year Huawei has opened two new research and development centres in Finland and Ireland and plans to double the staff engaged in innovation activities in Europe over the next three years.

8220 & #;Within the overall framework of intellectual property rights, Huawei actively cooperates with other companies. We oppose monopolies on intellectual property since obstruct competition between companies, holding the continuous innovation of the industry to the detriment of consumers ".

8220 & #;We urgently need to strengthen cooperation and the protection of intellectual property rights, including fee-based usage mechanisms, to reduce disputes and promote the 8217; # & innovation and technological progress. To do this, companies, research institutes, academic institutions, regulatory bodies and other government entities involved should cooperate and develop an open dialogue and a standard system of unified sector, thus providing a global platform for 8217; # & innovation. Huawei will use its global presence and experience in order to promote innovative cooperation between countries and worldwide & # 8221;.

Job anxiety: sleepless nights for an Italian on four


In this time of great difficulty for the world of work, where more and more people who do not have or cannot find a & # 8217; employment, it turns out that chi ce l & # 8217; he is forced to sacrifice personal time to work-related issues. Detect the survey commissioned to an independent company by Regus, the world's leading flexible solutions for Office, who has photographed the plight of thousands of Italians, forced to give up privacy to fulfil their commitments. From the results obtained shows that more than a quarter of employees (26%) is forced to wake up earlier than expected or to stay awake late to meet commitments.

By contrast, only 24% of companies reward executives who promote the creation of flexible labour force by promoting, among other things, the reduction of commuting. Just a little more flexibility would also benefit businesses, with positive impact on productivity improvement for 69% of respondents, as well as for personal loyalty (80%). Italian workers have reported that shorter travel time (21%) and a more flexible (17%) would have more time to spend with your family and to recover hours of rest. These data have emerged from a global survey conducted by Regus, the world's largest supplier of flexible solutions for Office, which involved more than 24,000 professionals from over 90 countries.

8220 & #;The lack of rest is clearly negative for the health and well-being of the worker and prolonged work hours can result in cardiac disorders & # 8221; Mauro says Man, General Manager of Regus in Italy. 8220 & #;Respondents showed that travel time shorter and greater flexibility of working premises would allow them to spend more time with his family and put an end to sleepless nights spent to retrieve arrears at work or on business.

Globally, the 29% of workers sleep less than they would like to be able to carry out their commitments; in Italy, 26% of workers sacrifice hours of rest to respect personal and work commitments, while one worker in ten (9%) feels that having to compensate with additional work hours the time possibly used for personal activities in the workplace. Workers have reported that shorter travel time (21%) and flexibility of working premises (17%) could be of benefit to spend more time with your family. Even companies can reap with freI from these aspects, since the work flexibility optimizes productivity (69%) and promotes staff loyalty (80%). Currently only a quarter (24%) of Italian companies awarded the leadership that promotes a flexible working environment: a given much lower at 52% that represents the average of the study.

The spokesman for Regus continues: 8220 & #;This poll shows that offer to staff offices closest to home and professional and fully efficient environments can positively impact on family life and allow them to indulge in hours of relaxation. However, the benefits are not limited only to workers: companies can maximize productivity and staff retention by promoting labour flexibility. Nevertheless, in spite of the many benefits that flexible work brings to companies and workers, c 8217; # & is still a long way to go, since three-quarters of Italian companies not promote nor reward managers who encourage the creation of a flexible workforce. & # 8221;

Mind the Seed closes the first batch: 6 accelerator startups financed

Schermata 2013-03-09 alle 14.08.00

A 10-week period of acceleration in San Francisco all 8217; # & inside the GYM of Mind the Bridge and a first for direct investment Atooma, Bad Seed Entertainment, in3DGallery, Map2App, and Weendy Myze.

These are the 6 startup choices to access Winter 2013 batch, acceleration program of Mind the Bridge with investments of the Fund Mind the Seed (the second group summer will start in August). A list of talents from Italy, Israel, Greece, Spain and United States confirming the international opening to the Mediterranean representing the new 2013 for the Mind the Bridge Foundation.

"The scouting job that we have done in recent months, with particular interest in southern Europe, has brought its fruits, commented Marco Marinucci, founder of Mind the Bridge startups we've invited, and on which MTS has made a first seed investment, are underdogs with all cards in order to grow big. The model's head and the market in Silicon Valley ' but development in the country of origin is winning as ever in these moments of exuberance of hi-tech market in Silicon Valley ".

Mind the Seed (MTS) is a seed venture fund based in the United States that aims to act as a first institutional investor for the best startup that pass through the scouting network of Mind the Bridge. L 8217; # & goal is align to their success. An important novelty that introduced earlier this year by American Foundation that, while retaining the 8217; # & non-profit orientation of its activities, located in Mind the Seed investment professional structure that can support concretely startups in their first steps towards the path of success, generating at the same time a financial return for investors.

And if the ultimate goal is to launch international ambition, enterprises with Center in Silicon Valley and R&D in Europe, this year the Foundation open to talent from the entire Mediterranean area, rich of high-level technical expertise but at competitive costs.

8220 & #;L 8217; # & Italy remains our election area, the backbone of our ' bridge '-precise Alberto Onetti, Chairman of the Foundation But we've had requests to replicate the model of Mind the Bridge from across Europe. And we believe that, besides giving a hand to develop innovation and entrepreneurship in other countries that, like ours, are today in a difficult situation, l # & 8217; opening to the Mediterranean ports also benefits to our businesses that will find themselves confronting the Gym of One Market Plaza (San Francisco) in a cosmopolitan environment, with clear advantages in terms of stimulation and learning opportunities & # 8221;.

And hence the 6 startup just financed by Mind the Seed that are preparing to present to a panel of investors during the 14-day demo of March, organized to MtB Gym:

1. Atooma is an app that makes smartphones really & # 8220 8221 & #; smart; that is able to follow the behaviour of # 8217; & intelligently user. With Atooma the phone can automatically read email with voice commands when you are driving or silent mode when you arrive at work. With Atooma you can create mini-app in seconds without any technical knowledge: community users can share Atooma create, download other users and activate them in just one click.

2. Bad Seed Entertainment creates quality videogame console with unique gameplay elements, for mobile phones and apps on iOS and Android platforms. Designed to offer players the best possible gaming experience, Bad Seed recently launched Sheep Up!, game for iPhone and iPad that defies the # & 8217; you drive a flock of sheep from the bottom of a box of old toys up to the top of the box and to freedom.

3. in3Dgallery is an innovative 3D presentation tool, based on real-time web3D technology that improves the experience of viewing pictures through a web app, facebook and mobile. Ideal tool for professionals, photographers, businesses, museums and any other user wants to share your portfolio by inviting guests from all over the world.

4. Map2App is a web platform that enables anyone to create territorial guides for iPhone and Android and distribute through Apple Store and Google Play. Useful for companies, institutions and independent authors wish to transform into a simple, fast and cheap content in their possession about an area or event in a multi-platform app.

5. Wallie is a mobile and web-based application that helps online shoppers save money by choosing the right credit card. Depending on promotions, discounts and offers available. This allows each user to become a "smart shopper" â€" an intelligent buyer.

6. Weendy is an app that lets you find and share the best conditions of wind, waves and snow with their friends and with all the people who have the same interest. Ideal companion for wind sports, allows you to "capture" the weathers and post it in a comment that platform is notified instantly to your contacts on Twitter, Facebook or Foursquare.

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