Monday, March 25, 2013

Italy Calls Android: Ring, Verbis, Cyan


Italy Calls Android is 8217; # & weekly with three choices among all those applications that developers have proposed in Italian & # 8217; last week (here explained how propose your ).




The rings have become for many a useful communication system to give information as I started, I'm downstairs, or throw the dough without having to spend money on a SMS or without doubt the internet connection to a Whatsapp did not start. And 8217; # & so that Ring, which will allow you to make ring tones to your contacts without ever having to bring the phone to the head (and maybe thereby avoiding whatever a certain dose of radiation). L 8217; # & application will make a scan of contacts and will add all contacts a new entry, with # prepended 4 # code which will allow you to make a ring at that phone number.

Pro: simple and functional idea Against: none to report.

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Verbis does not hide being a modernized version of Pictionary, where a player will have to guess (with some variations of the game, randomly proposals all & # 8217; beginning of round) the words the rest of his team. And 8217; # & can set a maximum number of words to guess and also how many words each team will pass. The game is simple but intuitive and the smartphone replaces the cards of the original game. In the next version it seems that developers can then introduce, if the word go is made by guess with a drawing, the ability to draw it on a tablet connected via bluetooth. The graphics are very playful & # 8220; & #; 8221, but eventually adapted to this type of game.

Pro: simple and functional Against: none to report

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Cyan is a game for people and patients with an analytical mind. The aim will be to bring our blue cube from the starting point to the final. Simple, you say at all, because every movement is going to fill the previous box blue, on which you will no longer go back. L # & 8217; Entreprise becomes difficult to discover that the white boxes are filled all before the end. If we then add buttons to activate and to avoid enemies, this game can easily take several hours. The square you can move with finger scrolling on the screen, although he sometimes did not respond with the speed that we expected (especially when we had to avoid enemies!).

Pro: simple Idea and very well made game cons: sometimes slow control response

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