Monday, March 25, 2013

Flipboard you upgrade and let us retrieve articles offline and reduce data consumption


It may be a symptom of Google Reader, but digital content readers how Flipboard (which is not exactly a reader for RSS, but can also be used as such) likely to become increasingly important, and if on the one hand you are Currents recently updated, so even this famous app couldn't remain at stake. L 8217; # & update today between 8217; # & is nothing but marginal, because it introduces the ability to save summaries of articles for offline reading practice. Remember, however, that support for Instapaper, Pocket and Readability, or special comprehensive services for the 8220; # & read after 8221; # &, was included for some time.

We see however what reads the changelog for this version:

  • More efficiency with the data plan through the new option Minimize l # & 8217; use of data "under" settings ".
  • View abstracts of articles without internet connection. Activate the option "retrieve for offline" for a section or all sections under "settings".
  • Correction of bugs and enhancements.

L # & 8217; other news as you see is l 8217; # & option to reduce data consumption on mobile network, allowing us to avoid the loading of images or even limiting the 8217; # & using only Wi-Fi network. To update quickly as always click on the badge below.

Get it on Google Play

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1 comment:

  1. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.
