One, Xperia HTC Z and now also the Galaxy S4. The 2013 started at 8217; # & teaches the world Android and HTC, Sony and Samsung seem to get serious this 8217; # & year. Samsung is not a surprise, given that already with the previous & # 8220;S & # 8221; Galaxy series, l # & 8217; company had set as industry-leading Android for number of sales, while HTC and Sony, which has always been the top companies in the field of telephony, could steal the scene with their mobile phones, both Samsung and Apple. And it is precisely by Apple and its iPhone that we will discuss in this article, especially after seeing the recent proposals of the competition which, by all accounts, has now reached (and for some even exceeded) the Melafonino in terms of functionality made available of 8217; # & end-user. How can l 8217; # & iPhone come to be considered the ultimate in 2013 smartphone Which & # 8220; # & 8221 ingredients; must use Apple to further enhance its flagship product we try to figure it out.
In 2007, when he was presented the first iPhone, Steve Jobs claimed that Apple's phone had, at the time of 8217; # & announcement, an advantage over any other smartphone for about 5 years, that period of time, seen in retrospect, had been perfectly right from 8217; # & former CEO and co-founder of Apple. It's been more than five years from the date of # & 8217; original iPhone (2 g model which we dusted off for a comparison with the & # 8217; last 5 iPhone) and many things have changed in recent years in the world of telephony.
Before the first iPhone, smartphones had very little 8220; # & smart & # 8221; and today could be considered simple prototypes of what became smartphone. Almost all smartphones of 2007 had a physical keyboard that stole space (lots of space) to the screen that was rather small and not very suitable for surfing the net or reading emails. With the # & 8217; iPhone changed everything: big screen and touch controls, a feature which was always shooting for more smartphones, became a basic characteristic of nearly all smartphones dell & # 8217; modern era (we think to use one # & 8220; & #; 8221 smartphone of 2013 without touchscreen and physical keyboard).
In addition to innovative features, the first iPhone was presented in a period of 8217; # & year totally different from all current 8217; # & timing: in January. Appearance should not be underestimated, given that Apple anticipated competition proposals that remained to watch open-mouthed what Steve Jobs and his men had pulled out of the cylinder. L 8217; # & waiting (excessive) for the launch of the first iPhone helped create anticipation around the Terminal. The strategy was the right one and gave its fruits: Apple was moving into a previously unexplored market and where long militated companies like Nokia, 8217; # & all time leader in telephony. We worked in silence, far away (almost) by rumors and by various 8220; # & leak & #; 8221 that now populate the web when you get closer to the release of an update of the iPhone. Out of nowhere came the first iPhone, and it quickly became a triumph for 8217; # & company of the bitten Apple.
Today the situation is quite different: the five year advantage that had originally l # & 8217; iPhone on competition are no longer there. Android grew very rapidly, thanks also to its nature & # 8220; open & #; 8221, and companies including, Samsung, HTC and Sony continue to improve their phones with a innovation series hardware and software customization. By # & 8217; other hand we Microsoft Windows Phone that has managed to reverse the trend which consisted in developing a Windows version & # 8220; # & classic 8221; shrunk to smartphones and to create important partnerships like the one with Nokia that, thanks to Lumia, she returned to miles feel my breath on your neck all direct opponents.
If to this we add the fact that Apple seems to have momentarily resting on our laurels, then it is clear that the current framework, with a view to the future, not smiling much to Apple. Of course, you can always post looking at the sales figures: at present the 8217; # & iPhone remains the best-selling smartphone ever ( even more Galaxy series) & # and 8217; latest model, l # & 8217; iPhone 5, is beating every sales records recorded previously. In particular, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S were the top selling smartphone in & # 8217; last quarter of 2012 . But how you can settle for this data
There is no doubt that part of 8217; # & iPhone users (a relatively small when you consider how many users use the Melafonino only for its basic functions) is currently dissatisfied of 8217; # & operated by Apple. Not so much with regard to the overall quality of its products which remains unsurpassed for many competitors out there but for the lack of genuine innovations in the iPhone series. Innovations (and revolutions) that Apple had, in fact, used since the very first iPhone. Innovations continued with iPhone 3 g and iPhone 4, stopping suddenly in the past two years. And it is precisely in these two years, according to analysis of all questionable Apple would stop be # & 8220; cool & # 8221; in favor of Samsung and other companies in the sector. Because they are all questionable analysis are because, in this case, have the data to prove otherwise. For sure, though, as we said earlier, Apple has lost quite a few # & 8217; competitive advantage and it is normal that & # 8220 users; # & 8221 power; and the more loyal they feel partly disappointed by the latest iPhone. Chiariamoci: all 8217; # & iPhone does not miss anything, or almost. Probably Apple may continue to sell iPhone on iPhone without essential changes to phones. But this is marketing and has nothing to do with the 8217; # & stated goal so obsessive from Apple: create the best products possible from year to year. All 8217; # & iPhone lacks the freshness that has distinguished him until at least 2010, making it the most attractive smartphone on the market, both for design and 8217; # & l hardware for the operating system.
And it is precisely the operating system one of the discussion points of 8217; # & article today: 8217; # & is hardware related, you know. He is seen between PC and Mac: Apple computers always have resources on less paper 8220; # & stately & #; 8221 but then, in pratica, ensure fluidity d 8217; # & use and ease of access to information that tutt & # 8217; today it is totally alien to many PC 's. Same for the # & 8217; iPhone: with a system like iOS, 8217; # & iPhone can afford to have the technical characteristics even less than those of an Android device. L 8217; # & iPhone has always been out (on paper) from this point of view, but I wonder why is still taken as a point of reference when it comes to the fluidity of 8217; # & OS. The joint is as follows: l 8217; # & iPhone must rejuvenate inside. iOS is no longer the 8220; # & mobile OS in the world's most advanced 8221; # &, as Apple calls it. May be the most accessible, the one with more apps in its store, that cuter aesthetically (and this is also subjective) but for sure Android has surpassed, in terms of features, Apple and its only smartphone.
L 8217; # & dell hardware & # 8217; iPhone 5 should be more than enough to support, with 7 iOS, a few new features that many users would Gorge on iOS and could fill the gap with the competition: for sure would revise fully the 8217; # & Home interface, maybe introducing animated effects or a new Multitasking, more complete and efficient. You might also think it is time to introduce the widget in Home and, perhaps, to allow developers to publish on their App Store widget to integrate with those natives of 8217; # & iPhone. There are software solutions that require a response in # & 8217; hardware: the most important (and what I hope to find as soon as possible on the iPhone) is l & # 8217;NFC, useful function that allows electronic payments, scanning information and much more directly from the smartphone. Even a wireless charging designed by Apple does not like those of competitors, cumbersome and still rather immature-would be welcome in a future iPhone and in a future version of iOS. But more and more I fantasize distance ourselves from reality. In any case it would seem that Apple has already taken steps in this direction by deciding to dismiss l & # 8217; former President of iOS, Scott Forstall , responsible for the recent & #; # & decay 8220 8221; of iOS. Now it's up to Jony Ive, Apple's designers, historical surprised Apple-users .
Although the 8217; # & idea of an iPhone 5S in 2013 it will work only if combined with a substantial improvement of iOS, Apple must however be very careful to competitive moves. L 8217; # & ideal would be to skip a generation of & # 8220;S & # 8221; (also because, after & # 8220;8221; # & Speed for iPhone 3GS and # & 8220;Siri & # 8221; for iPhone 4S, which could be # & 8220;S & # 8221; the seventh iPhone) in favor of a completely new model, maybe with a bigger screen than that of 8217; # & iPhone 5 (which in this case would be seen as a necessary transition model). Personally I would love that much an iPhone with display from 4.5/5 inches (competition Samsung, HTC, Sony is on these standards) but it is what the market wants, what calls people. Display change would lead inevitably to a design change. Although I had supported (finding feedback) that design of 8217; # & iPhone 5 wouldn't have been much different from that of the previous iPhone, paying particular attention to the necessary presence of a side frame, now it might reopen the discourse: design, teaches us the same Apple, is important for a product. L & # 8217; iPhone 5 is perfect for its form-factor, much more successful than that of an iPhone 4/4S. C 8217; # & is to wonder, though, if you can do even better. The answer partly given by HTC with One Yes. Personally I hope that Apple is willing to give up the famous side frame in an upcoming iPhone, maybe going back to round the edges of the phone just like on fifth-generation iPod touch or iPad mini. 8217; # & D fact is objective: the old iPhone, iPhone 3 g and iPhone 3GS are better in the hands of all later models .
And what about dell 8217; # & waterproof safe even l 8217; # & iPhone 5S might be waterproof (2013 has already seen many waterproof devices, including your l # & 8217;Xperia Sony Z, without doubt the most interesting of waterproof smartphones all) but a change might be reserved just for a phone more 8220; # & important & # 8221; as a completely new iPhone, although Apple continues to seem disinterested in this technology, so you add new sensors in & # 8217; iPhone 5 to detect l & # 8217; admission of liquids in your phone. Beautiful, not this # & 8217; last, in a market that is slowly preparing to accept the 8217; # & idea of smartphones resistant to liquids: on one side we have companies like Sony that investing in this field to avoid customers the hassle of having to throw, or repair at its own expense, a phone when it comes into contact with liquids; from 8217; # & other we have Apple, which increases the 8220; # & & # 8221 surveillance; to deny the 8217; # & free care for those phones that come into contact with liquids, even when perhaps the problem reported and the liquid ingested & # 8220; & # 8221; from 8217; # & iPhone have no correlation.
Skipping a 8220; # & iPhone 5S # & 8221; and passing just a 8220; # & iPhone & # 8220; 6, Apple could completely reshape his phone (which would be consistent for a 8220; # & 5S & # 8221;), reviewing many hardware features that would otherwise be difficult to reach (for example, remove the Home button and replace it with a physical texture) and improving, thanks to a new design, the display, enlarging or simply stretch to avoid l & # 8217; # & effect 8220; & # 8221; remote control.
To go back to being the number one in the field of telephony, all 8217; # & iPhone serve these changes and little else. All changes absolutely within the reach of Apple and mendacious not at all with the philosophy of 8217; # & company. A wireless charging of the phone is Apple style, since it would be easier to feed the phone battery without the need for cables and adapters from wall; l # & 8217;NFC is a solution that perfectly marries the 8217; # & intuitiveness of iOS (decidedly more than Passbook, small 8216; # & fail 8217; # & iOS 6, at least for now); an iOS more dynamic, with effects in the Home (Samsung reigns in this field) and maybe animated backgrounds, would not be very different from earlier versions of OS X, which is distinguishedno competing operating systems for greater interactivity and various & # 8220; special effects & # 8221; introduced by Apple.
In short, all these solutions are certainly Apple's reach and we are sure that in Cupertino is already moving something in this regard. Now we must wait before iOS 7 whose presentation, according to the usual timing of Apple, should take place in Around the world Developer Conference held annually in June and then, who knows when, the next iPhone. C 8217; # & 's who claims that the successor of 8217; # & iPhone 5 will be presented in line with the times, that is just a pretty good year, and who suggests an early release of the Terminal, with presentation in summer, perhaps in June, along with the new iOS, as happened until 2010.
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