Friday, March 22, 2013

Strategy Analytics: iCloud and Match iTunes cloud services are the most popular in the United States

According to research by Strategy Analytics in the United States seems to have iCloud, Dropbox and Amazon cloud services are deemed best.


The study of which we present in this article was taken from and Analystics Strategy according to the findings from data collected in the United States seems to have iCloud is the most famous cloud service, occupying the top of the standings with a usage quota equal to 27%.

iCloud was one of the most important services issued on devices of 8217; # & Cupertino company Apple, and since # & 8217; start, drove a lot so that users know them and use them. To follow iCloud/iTunes Match in the ranking compiled by Strategy Analytics found Dropbox and Amazon Cloud Drive, respectively, with a market share of 17% and 15%, while Google Drive reached fourth place.

One of the main uses of these services is precisely that musical: on Dropbox, for example, 45% of the files would be musical style, while iTunes Match is specialized in the ability to listen to streaming music stored on the iPhone, iPad and Mac. This is a sector that is still young and it is likely that over time will continue to grow even when you consider how more than 55% of users about 2.300 involved in the study had never used a cloud service.

Source: Cult of Mac

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